Thursday, 25 April 2013

The awkward first post

In the sleepy town I grew up in there was an Undertakers that never opened its curtains and was always adorned with an 'Out to Lunch' sign, being the age I was with the imagination that I possessed at age 10, a age in which I had an irrational fear of quicksand and rabies- 2 things I have still never come into contact with, my mind immediately painted images of death and not that perfectly understandable sort of death that undertakers are associated with but a 'Sweeny Todd' murder to pay the bills sort of deal. So 11 years later I'm making an animation about it because that just the sort of corrupted person I am. 

This blogs function is to document the journey of creation through the project, from that first enchanting touch of pencil lead to paper to those last frustrated sprawls, angrily beating down on a keyboard, dizzy from all the caffeine. What better place to start than the beginning WEEK ONE, DAY ONE. A drawing of a scrawny, Burton esque undertaker called Silas.

I wanted to create a character that was just very socially awkward, like a teenager unaware of his sudden growth spurt, all limbs and confusion, this gangly creation was to set the tone of everything else. 

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